Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We are off to find Spring!

We have had enough of winter and decided to take off to St. George. We took the kids to Zions because it was National Parks Week and it was free. That was not the best idea Lindsay and I have ever had. The second mistake we made was thinking we could hike up to the Narrows and let the kids play in the river. We are so good at paying attention to the news about the rivers running high and the fears of flooding. Lets just say I was a little bit nervous letting Will play by the water but he had a good time playing with his cousins.
Andrew had a ball throwing sand at me.
Will followed Noah everywhere this past week. I think I might have to adopt him so I can keep Will occupied.

We tried for 2 weeks to get Will in the pool. Of course, Dad knows best and bought him some boats to play with. It worked.
Andrew loves to cruise around the shallow end. We all have been getting our fill of sun and fun! Now we are even more excited for Bear Lake season.


Seidi said...

He got in!!!! Yay!!!!!

James and Sandra said...

Good trick with those boats!